Alvard Jivanyan Introduction to Philosopher’s Stone
The Armenian translation of Philosopher’s Stone contained an Introduction written by the translator, Alvard Jivanyan. The...
The Armenian translation of Philosopher’s Stone contained an Introduction written by the translator, Alvard Jivanyan. The...
I wrote recently about how Januskevic, the Belarusian publisher, had a difficult time renegotiating their publishing...
Adam Houston, The Harry Potter Specialist announced on instagram the completion of an incredible translation collection!...
The Greek translation of the Chamber of Secrets contained a prologue written by a prominent Greek...
This is less article and more documentation of my rationale behind a conclusion I recently came...
I wrote about how plentiful unauthorized Persian (or Farsi) translations were when I revealed that I...
You may recall that the Belarusian publisher of Harry Potter books, Januskevic, was shut down after...
In 2016 I published “Harry Potter and the Spanish ‘Tykes’“—no exaggeration, that investigation was the beginning...
@harrypotter_collector1 completed his collection of authorized Philosopher’s Stone translations by adding Khmer! Congratulations!
@kanto_2_hogwarts (who I have mentioned a lot recently due to his Bengali prowess) acquired the last...