Congratulations @thetravelingpotterhead
Another collection of PS translations assembled! Congratulations to @thetravelingpotterhead for adding Malayalam to his “Big 6”...
Another collection of PS translations assembled! Congratulations to @thetravelingpotterhead for adding Malayalam to his “Big 6”...
I thought it was time to give people an idea of what the new list will...
Credit for digging this one up goes to @harrypotter_liburuak for this delightful little find. Despite the...
Title: Харри Поттер ба Үхлийн Шүтээн Transliteration: Kharri Pottyer ba Ükhliin Shüteen Translator: N. Enkhnaran ISBN:...
Brock aka. @harrypotter_liburuak picked up Tibetan, completing his collection of the first book translations! Congratulations so...
“The List” as it exists in Google Sheets is really limited. It becomes really difficult to...
The last of the Azerbaijani translations—Deathly Hallows—is out! Thanks to @harrypotter_liburuak for pointing me at it!...
Buybook has released the Bosnian translation of Deathly Hallows! Spectacular and unique cover art again! Title:...
2022-03-11 Update: Translator confirmed by Ars Lamina!
It seems incredible with all that is going on in Belarus that Januskevic has been able...