Philosopher’s Stone Translated into Hawaiian!
Title: Harry Potter a Me Ka Pōhaku Akeakamai Translator: R Keao Smith ISBN: 978-1782012061 Publisher: Evertype...
Title: Harry Potter a Me Ka Pōhaku Akeakamai Translator: R Keao Smith ISBN: 978-1782012061 Publisher: Evertype...
First authorized translation of this book! Prisoner of Azkaban: Title: Харри Поттер ба Азкабаны Хоригдол Transliteration:...
updated 2020-02-01 Two new (unauthorized) Urdu translations have been released this month, both of Harry Potter...
Completing my collection of translations of the first Harry Potter book meant I finally got my...
I truly never really thought the day would come that I would have them all! A...
Title: Harry Potter și Prințul Semisânge Translator: Alex Moldovan ISBN: 9786067881006 Published: 2018-05-15 Publisher: Arthur Purchase...
Title: Harri Potter və si̇murq ordeni̇ Translator: Nərmin İskəndər ISBN: 978-9952-36-418-7 Published: 2017 Publisher: Qanun nəşriyyatı...
It’s still a work in progress! Displaying this much information in a small space is challenging...
After finishing his collection of Harry Potter Philosopher’s Stone translations in 2016, @thepottercollector started on a...
Carly (@alltheprettybooks) and Mel (@theharrypottercollection) have completed their collections of 88 translations and adaptations of Philosopher’s...