Harry Potter and the Serbian Oversell
There has always been a little anomaly in the Serbian translations: books 1 and 3-7 were...
There has always been a little anomaly in the Serbian translations: books 1 and 3-7 were...
I wrote recently about how Januskevic, the Belarusian publisher, had a difficult time renegotiating their publishing...
The second of the series in Yiddish is currently in preorder and shipping early August!
This is less an investigation and more of a record. There’s nothing startling or particularly new—it...
This year, Elkar Argitaletxea started republishing their Basque translations of Harry Potter—joyous news since they’ve been...
These aren’t exactly new Mongolian translations—they aren’t even new to me translations; I’ve actually been researching...
Part 1 When I was introduced to the unauthorized Myanmar translations of the Harry Potter series...
Title: Гары Потэр і таемная зала Transliteration: Hary Poter i taemnaja zala Translator: Alena Piatrovič ISBN:...
Almost snuck by unnoticed, but all seven books were retranslated into Korean for the 20th Anniversary!...
Title: Хари Потер и Одајата на тајните Transliteration: Hari Poter i Odajata na tajnite Translator: Igor...