Harry Potter and the Perfidious Persian Publisher
I wrote recently about how Januskevic, the Belarusian publisher, had a difficult time renegotiating their publishing...
I wrote recently about how Januskevic, the Belarusian publisher, had a difficult time renegotiating their publishing...
Steppe & World are stealthly! Somehow, they snuck six translations out in the last year without...
These aren’t exactly new Mongolian translations—they aren’t even new to me translations; I’ve actually been researching...
Title: Хари Потер и Полукрвниот принц Transliteration: Hari Poter i Polukrvniot princ Translator: Igor Kotevski ISBN:...
Complete with the the unique stylized cover art that we have come to expect from Bosnian!...
Part 1 When I was introduced to the unauthorized Myanmar translations of the Harry Potter series...
Almost snuck by unnoticed, but all seven books were retranslated into Korean for the 20th Anniversary!...
Title: Harri Potter və yarimqan pri̇ns Translator: Nərmin İskəndər (İsgəndər?1) ISBN: 978-9952-36-645-7 Published: 2019 Publisher: Qanun...
updated 2020-02-01 Two new (unauthorized) Urdu translations have been released this month, both of Harry Potter...
Title: Harry Potter și Prințul Semisânge Translator: Alex Moldovan ISBN: 9786067881006 Published: 2018-05-15 Publisher: Arthur Purchase...